Average Cost To Refinish Bathroom

Average Cost To Refinish Bathroom

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Investing in this home

Maximum Return on Investment

Increase in home value $45,365


  • Kitchen
  • Master Bathroom
  • 2nd bathroom
  • Powder room

Cost to renovate $ 42,240

Profit $ 3,125

Neighborhood Schools

Public schools


Washington Elementary | Rated 8/10 - 0.2 miles


Tennyson Middle | Rated 6/10 - 0.5 miles


Woodland High | Rated 4/10 - 2.4 miles

Private schools


Cleveland Country Day | Rated 7/10 - 1.5 miles


Tennyson Middle | Rated 6/10 - 0.5 miles

Kukun's iHomeReport map

Woodland High | Rated 4/10

719 Piedmont Ave SE Canton, OH 44702

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Kukun's Costimator preview

Kukun's Costimator preview

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Refinish Front Door

Clean gutters


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Kukun's PrepToSell preview

Kukun's PrepToSell preview

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Kukun's Products preview

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Digital Web Tools

White labeled consumer digital tools that seamlessly integrate into your website

  • Renovation cost calculator/ROI
  • Home management & schedule
  • Contractor sourcing

Predictive Analytics icon

Predictive Analytics

Forecasts from unique data

  • Forecasting analytic models
  • Kukun Investment Outlook Score (KIO) predicts future appreciation by zipcode
  • Future AVM

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Proprietary Analytics

Unique & essential insights for real estate investors

  • Current AVM
  • ROI projections by project
  • Construction firm rankings

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Proprietary Data

Only from Kukun

  • Normalized construction permit and investment data
  • Localized renovation cost and finish level data
  • Construction firm database

Kukun's Contractor Solutions preview


No-charge client sourcing

Thousands of people in your area use Kukun every month for renovation guidance, and as a service to our customers we provide connections to highly rated contractors. All we need is for you to join our database and update your profile.

Average Cost To Refinish Bathroom

Source: https://mykukun.com/

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